+93 782222280 / +1 (615) 364-5338 Waheedullah.safi@gmail.com

Where We Work

We are an Afghan organization that serves the different tribes and religions of Afghanistan in different regions, villages and provinces of Afghanistan with full honesty, guarantee and respect.

We implement the project in the following areas.

educational programs, Vocational training, public awareness workshops, articles for people with disabilities and activities for their inclusion and Raising voice for human rights through international and national media.

We have focus to the rights of women, children, social life of the people with Ages older and people with disabilities, and implement important programs and project.

All our activities are based on international aid and we are their partners.

We operate in full respect of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Human Rights Commission and international standards.

Human rights and disability support organization is trying to turn it into an international organization.



  • Dean Message
  • Our Team
  • Mission


Office Address: 10th District, #Sherpur General Road, Kabul, Afghanistan
