+93 782222280 / +1 (615) 364-5338 Waheedullah.safi@gmail.com


By conducting workshops, training session and voluntary humanitarian services with the support of International Community, Afghan Government, and align institutions; we anticipate promoting and protecting human rights at the international and domestic levels. In fact, we support them access to social protections, guide them how to struggle and overcome violence, discrimination and injustice in society.

Strategic Approach:

HRDSO is working towards the realization of its vision through various strategic approaches that are believed to be context-specific, technically sound and practically achievable. HRDSO has a well-defined mission which will help the organization to realize its vision.

OHPM, OPD, inclusion of people with disabilities aims to contribute to the sustainable development of Afghanistan through provision of developmental and humanitarian services in health, education, social service and development of community, youth development, emergency response sectors; and training and capacity/skill building of Afghans –both professionals and laypersons – in various disciplines and skills.

HRDSO is working mainly through 7 interrelated, yet distinct strategic approaches to reach to its objectives. These approaches are:

1.         Designing and implementing community development and empowerment of children, youth and epical women in society.

2.         Conducting researches in the different academic and social areas.

3.         Providing social services to the people of community.

4.         Providing basic education needs of schools based on donor fund.

5.         Building capacities and skills of people of society.

6.         Providing on time response to the emergencies affecting communities.

7.         Providing women development and awareness programs for all necessary’s issues in society.


  • Dean Message
  • Our Team
  • Mission


Office Address: 10th District, #Sherpur General Road, Kabul, Afghanistan
