+93 782222280 / +1 (615) 364-5338 Waheedullah.safi@gmail.com

 Activities & Reports

The Director of the Human Rights and Disability Support Agency Mr,Wahid SAfi attended the NGO Coordination Meeting

The Director of the Human Rights and Disability Support Agency Mr,Wahid SAfi attended the NGO Coordination Meeting with the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Discussions and consultations were held on the rights of persons with disabilities.

The director of the Human Rights and Disability Support Organization has always conducted exclusive interviews with the media on human rights and public awareness of people with disabilities.
And still ongoing.

The director of the Human Rights and Disability Support Organization has held special meetings with people with disabilities on the streets of the city to listen to the problems of people with disabilities.

Head of the Human Rights Support Organization,

discussed the rights of women and children in the media.
The discussion provided a comprehensive overview of fairness and equality.
He highlighted the importance of education and public awareness campaigns for children facing serious problems in society, such as food, hard or trafficking.

COVID 19 Public awareness workshop to in Kandahar province.

With the support of UN-WOMEN, Human Rights and Disability Support Organization (HRDSO) held COVID 19 Public awareness workshop on 12-Aug-12, Sep-2020 in Kandahar province targeting over 100 of females, where they received brief information regarding COVID 19 and they were motivated taking the responsibility to inform their family and companions as well and it was successfully implemented.

During implementation of the project they were told how to prevent suffering from the mentioned virus, what risks are and how to defeat it.

A special thanks for the UN-WOMEN supporting us during this project.

Public awareness Project Performance Report.

HRDSO- Human Rights and Disability Support Organization works through the media and social groups to promote the rights of women, children, and people with disabilities for public awareness.
Afghan society is a war-torn society. There are still women who do not know the day set aside for them. Violence against women still exists in Afghanistan and they are deprived of their rights.
Many children are begging on the streets or hard working , and the biggest problem for people with disabilities is unemployment and economic hardship.
Soft work for a free and democratic environment to combat social street discrimination is also important as it is at the front line of our NGO.

Saving Lives & Building Families Since 2019

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