+93 782222280 / +1 (615) 364-5338 Waheedullah.safi@gmail.com


HRDSO- Human Rights and Disability Support Organization with the registration # 4934 which  was established in 2019 in Kabul, Afghanistan is a non (governmental, profits and political organization) that provides humanitarian voluntary services to mankind, particularly to persons with disabilities according to gender equality addressing women/girls and vulnerable people without any consideration of political, ethnic, racial, linguistic, regional as peer-supporter Organization founded in 2020 in Kabul, Afghanistan

Our Mission

By conducting workshops, training session and voluntary humanitarian services with the support of International Community, Afghan Government, and align institutions; we anticipate promoting and protecting human rights at the international and domestic levels. In fact, we support them access to social protections, guide them how to struggle and overcome violence, discrimination and injustice in society.

Our Vision

Based on Islamic Republic of Afghanistan human rights framework in which the right to life and liberty are constitutionally protected and as per the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was adopted in 2006 and entered into force in 2008, we would like to see people enjoy the same standards of equality, rights and dignity, specially persons with disabilities, women and children as everyone else does in the region.

Management Team Biography 

Saving Lives & Building Families Since 2019

Children Placed

$ Raised

Homes Built
