+93 782222280 / +1 (615) 364-5338 Waheedullah.safi@gmail.com

Management Team

A.  The Board of Trustees 

The HRDSO Board of Trustees is the highest governing body of the organization, deciding and guiding its strategic vision and direction towards its overall mission. The board of trustees consists of five members including, the General Director as internal member.

The functions of the board of trustees include providing advice, governing, overseeing policy and direction, and assisting with leadership in general promotion of HRDSO. It also ensures that HRDSO adheres to the approved charter/constitution and all applicable national legislations and administrative procedures set for non-profit organizations. 

B.  The Management Team:

As the second and main rank of authority the Management Team (also called the Executive Board) is formed mainly by seven members including the Director who is also the Chairperson, the Deputy Director, Admin and finance manager, Health deportment manger, education deportment manger, social service deportment manger, development deportment manger.

C. Operation and management team:

As the third Management and Operation team is working in main office and province of Afghanistan where the project implement and respond for emergence work. Regarding the scope of project and project criteria this team work in main office and province office.


  • Dean Message
  • Our Team
  • Mission


Office Address: 10th District, #Sherpur General Road, Kabul, Afghanistan
